Friday, February 16, 2007

Paid Survey

This is how I plan to do it ... I will review a different way to make money on the internet.
one post each and then I will try to make a recap and see how we can all do it at the end.

Hopefully in a few months I will have a Post : Paid Blogging and will be getting rich from writing to others how to get rich ... (well, Dreaming is free ... isn't it ? ;)).

So getting back to the point, my first way to make money online
Is answering paid survey. I personally think it's the easiest one. It is clearly not
the way to make the most out of the internet. Let's make a pros and cons, it will be easier to
findout if paid surveys are a good thing or not.

Pros :

- it's free.
- it's simple.
- it's fast.
-you're sure it will work.
- not demanding

Cons :
- you won't turn into a millionaire.
- it's uncertain in the future (you don't know for how long surveys will keep coming on)
- could get boring after a couple of weeks

any others cons ??? ... someone ??

Bottom line,
Make money online with paid survey while you can, but don't count on them
to plan your old days =)

See you soon


1 comment:

D- said...

You might want to check out my blog too. I have found several legitimate work at home sites so far, and I made $850+ in February, $2600+ in March, and $2,624 in April. All the sites I belong to are free to join. To see site descriptions and proof of payment, please click:

extra money making